Justice, Equality, Reparations.

The conversation of reparations is not a new one.  We know that it goes back as far as January 16, 1865, in the form of a 40 Acres and a Mule promise made in the United States for agrarian reform to former enslaved black farmers by Union General William Tecumseh Sherman. What most people don’t know is that the idea was generated by black leaders themselves, and is probably the most forward thinking and radical proposal of reparations to this day.

The Pink Elephant – The Race Conversation That We Still Haven’t Had

Those were the ones, to be honest, whose pre-Trump passivity had hurt the most.  Because all the while I thought they just didn’t have social activism in them. I thought their white privilege had somehow blinded them to the realities of women like me: Black women, with big magical hair, who couldn’t hold the line of feminism because feminism in any form seems to almost always marginalize women of color and issues pertaining to us and our communities.  But then I saw them. I saw them organize, and become revolutionaries in their own right, and literally take to the streets in their pink pussy hats.  And never a mention of  100 African girls taken and never returned.  And never a mention of the black girls gone missing all over DC and Baltimore.  And sure, science is science and in science “there are no alternative facts.” But never a mention about how 500,000 black girls were sterilized by vaccines nor how it had already been proven that vaccines do in fact cause autism in black boys.  And I thought to myself: aren’t those feminist issues?  And I thought to myself (countless times) Ain’t my pussy pink? Sigh.